Ahad, Jun 16, 2013




The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle that is controlled by a cell phone. DTMF commands from a phone are sent to another cell phone which is mounted on the robot. These commands are fed to a microcontroller of 8051 family to operate the vehicle movement through motor interface.
The main scope of project is to send commands from one cell phone to be received by another cell phone mounted on the robot to receive the DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) mode commands which are then decoded by a DTMF decoder. The corresponding codes are then fed to a microcontroller, programmed to recognize those codes to operate 2nos DC motors through motor driver IC for any direction movement as per the sent commands from sender’s mobile. The motors are controlled using motor driver IC which is interfaced to the microcontroller. It uses microcontroller from 8051 family and a battery for power source.

Further the project can be enhanced by interfacing it with additional motors for multipurpose activity. For example, it can be developed into pick n place robot or fire fighting robot with water pump etc.

The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle that is controlled by a cell phone. DTMF commands from a phone are sent to another cell phone which is mounted on the robot. These commands are fed to a microcontroller of 8051 family to operate the vehicle movement through motor interface.

The main scope of project is to send commands from one cell phone to be received by another cell phone mounted on the robot to receive the DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) mode commands which are then decoded by a DTMF decoder. The corresponding codes are then fed to a microcontroller, programmed to recognize those codes to operate 2nos DC motors through motor driver IC for any direction movement as per the sent commands from sender’s mobile. The motors are controlled using motor driver IC which is interfaced to the microcontroller. It uses microcontroller from 8051 family and a battery for power source.

Further the project can be enhanced by interfacing it with additional motors for multipurpose activity. For example, it can be developed into pick n place robot or fire fighting robot with water pump etc.

Block Diagram

8051 series Microcontroller, Crystal, DTMF Decoder IC, Motor Driver IC, DC Motors, Batteries, Robot Body.

Keil compiler
Language: Embedded C or Assembly.


Robotics is a branch of technology, which deals with design, operation and applications of robots as well as computer systems for their control and information processing. Robotic missions are less expensive than human missions. Robots are the tool; need to be programmed for each and every step. They are ideal for doing precise, repetitive or dangerous tasks. Around 90% of robots are used in factories with half of these being used in the automobile industry.

Today, robotics is a rapidly growing field, as technological advances continue; research, design, and building new robots serve various practical purposes, whether domestically, commercially or in military. Many robots do jobs that are hazardous to people such as defusing bombs, exploring shipwrecks, and mines. From military technology and space exploration to the health industry and commerce, the advantages of using robots have been realized to the point that they are becoming a part of our collective experience and everyday lives. Robotics in one domain, where there is lot of scope of innovation and creativity on the part of the students. Robotic projects are also popular among engineering students.
Following are some examples of Robotics Projects for engineering students :


It is a robotic vehicle that is controlled by any phone through DTMF commands to a cell phone mounted controller on the robot for the vehicle movement through motor driver IC interface.

LINE FOLLOWING ROBOTIC VEHICLE: It is a robotic vehicle that follows a specific path by using a pair of photo sensors comprising IR transmitter and photo diode to detect the specified path for its movement.

SPYING ROBOT WITH NIGHT VISION WIRELESS CAMERA: It is a robotic vehicle using RF technology for remote operation attached with wireless camera for monitoring purpose in war field that wirelessly transmits real time video with night vision capabilities.

INTELLIGENT PICK & PLACE ROBOT: It is designed to develop a pick and place RF controlled robotic vehicle with a soft catching gripper to safely handle a bomb very carefully to avoid explosion while catching.

AUTO METRO SHUTTLE TRAIN: An autonomous vehicle designed to work as a train with sensors for shuttling between two stations automatically having provisions for limiting the number of passengers entering the train by auto door management system including auto start and stop feature from origin to the destination and back.

METAL DETECTOR ROBOTIC VEHICLE: It is a robotic vehicle that can sense land mines ahead of it which is controlled by RF remote. It consists of a metal detector circuit interfaced to the control unit that alarms the user behind it about a suspected land mine ahead.

source edgefxkits.com

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