Resistors (all 0.12 watt, ± 5% Carbon)
R1= 1 KΩ
R2 = 150 KΩ
R3, R4 = 330 Ω
C1 = 10 µF/16 V
D1 and D2 = Green and Red LED Respectively
8 pin IC Base
SW1 = Push to on switch
Timer IC NE555 is very popular and most usable in electronics circuit. Timer IC NE555 is also called Ideal IC because it is multipurpose, low power consumption, small size and durable. Mostly there is fault in circuit but our first doubt is on IC because IC is the combination of many more components or IC itself is a combination of circuit. Here is the simple but effective IC tester circuit which check IC NE555 whether it have fault or not.
D1 and D2 = Green and Red LED Respectively
8 pin IC Base
SW1 = Push to on switch
Working of the circuit timer IC NE555
1. Data sheets NE/SA/SE555/SE555C
2. Advance used NE555
2.2 Driver LED circuit for Indicator using
2.3 Night Rider
2.4 More
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